In this episode of “In the Kitchen with Matt,” the host, Matt Taylor, presents a step-by-step tutorial on how to make crepes. Using either a blender or a hand mixer, he demonstrates the process and provides measurements and ingredients for the batter. Matt explains that the batter can be chilled in the refrigerator if desired and teaches viewers how to cook the crepes in a non-stick skillet with a little butter. He also shows different ways to fill and top the crepes, such as with Nutella or strawberries, and encourages viewers to share their favorite crepe recipes. The video ends with Matt enjoying the finished crepes and thanking viewers for watching.

Are you interested in learning how to make crepes? In this friendly and informative tutorial by Matt Taylor of “In the Kitchen with Matt,” you will be guided through the step-by-step process of creating delicious crepes. Matt demonstrates how to make the batter using a blender or hand mixer, and provides options for making sweet or savory crepes. He gives tips and tricks on cooking the crepes in a non-stick skillet, and shows various ways to fill and top them. Whether you prefer Nutella or strawberries, there is a crepe recipe for everyone to enjoy. Don’t miss out on this easy crepe recipe that will have you making perfectly thin and tasty crepes in no time!

Ingredients and Measurements

How to Make Crepes with Matt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

List of Ingredients

To make crepes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups of milk (2%, 1%, or whole)
  • 1 tsp of canola or vegetable oil (or 1 tbsp of melted butter)
  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp of salt (or 1/2 tsp for savory crepes)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract (for sweet crepes)
  • 1 tbsp of granulated sugar (for sweet crepes)

Measurement Requirements

  • This recipe makes 6 to 8 crepes, depending on the size.
  • Cook the crepes on medium to medium-high heat on your stovetop at a temperature of 350 to 375°F.

Preparing the Batter

Using a Blender or Hand Mixer

There are a few options for making the crepe batter. You can use a blender, hand mixer, stand mixer, or even just a whisk. In this tutorial, we will use a hand mixer.

Mixing the Ingredients

To start, crack 2 eggs into a mixing bowl. Add 1 1/2 cups of milk and 1 tsp of canola or vegetable oil (or 1 tbsp of melted butter). If you prefer sweeter crepes, you can also add 1 tsp of vanilla extract and 1 tbsp of granulated sugar.

Next, add 1 cup of all-purpose flour and 1/4 tsp of salt (or 1/2 tsp for savory crepes) to the bowl. Mix all the ingredients together until well combined. If you notice any lumps in the batter, you can strain it through a sieve for a smoother consistency.

How to Make Crepes with Matt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Chilling the Batter

Some people like to chill the batter in the refrigerator for about an hour before cooking the crepes. This step is optional but can help improve the texture of the crepes. If you choose to chill the batter, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator.

Cooking the Crepes

Choosing the Right Skillet

To cook the crepes, you will need a non-stick skillet. You can use an 8-inch non-stick skillet or invest in a crepe skillet or crepe making kit for a more authentic cooking experience.

How to Make Crepes with Matt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Adding Butter to the Skillet

Once your skillet is heated to medium or medium-high heat, add a small amount of butter. This will prevent the crepes from sticking to the pan and add a delicious, buttery flavor.

Pouring the Batter

Using a ladle or a quarter cup, pour the crepe batter into the skillet. Tilt the pan to spread the batter evenly and create a thin layer. Cook the crepe for about a minute or a minute and a half on one side until it becomes dry on the top.

How to Make Crepes with Matt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Flipping the Crepes

Using a spatula, carefully flip the crepe to cook the other side. The second side usually takes only 10 to 20 seconds. You want to achieve a slightly browned and cooked appearance.

Cooking on Both Sides

Once the crepe is cooked on both sides, transfer it to a plate. You can stack the crepes on top of each other without worrying about them sticking together.

Sweet or Savory Crepes

How to Make Crepes with Matt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Options for Sweet Crepes

If you prefer sweet crepes, there are many different options for fillings and toppings. Some popular choices include Nutella, strawberries, bananas, whipped cream, powdered sugar, and honey. You can get creative and mix and match your favorite ingredients to create your perfect sweet crepe.

Options for Savory Crepes

If you prefer savory crepes, leave out the vanilla extract and sugar in the batter. Instead, you can add extra salt and fill the crepes with ingredients such as cheese, ham, spinach, mushrooms, or other savory fillings. Savory crepes are a great option for a delicious brunch or a light lunch or dinner.

Filling and Topping the Crepes

Nutella and Strawberries

One delicious option for filling your crepes is to use Nutella and strawberries. Spread a thin layer of Nutella on the crepe and place sliced strawberries on top. For a final touch, you can sprinkle some powdered sugar over the crepe.

Other Filling Ideas

There are countless other fillings and combinations you can try with your crepes. Here are a few ideas:

  • Bananas and whipped cream
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Apple cinnamon
  • Lemon and sugar
  • Ham and cheese
  • Spinach and feta

Feel free to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to find your favorite filling!

Creative Topping Options

In addition to fillings, you can get creative with the toppings you put on your crepes. Some ideas include:

  • Drizzling chocolate sauce or caramel sauce
  • Sprinkling chopped nuts or coconut flakes
  • Adding a dollop of yogurt or ice cream
  • Squeezing lemon juice or adding lemon zest
  • Garnishing with fresh herbs like mint or basil

The possibilities are endless when it comes to topping your crepes, so have fun exploring different combinations!

Sharing Your Crepe Ideas

Encouragement from Matt

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make crepes! As I mentioned earlier, crepes can be enjoyed in so many different ways, and I encourage you to get creative and try out new flavors and fillings. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make the recipe your own!

Ways to Share Favorite Crepe Recipes

If you have any favorite crepe recipes or unique combinations you love, I would love to hear about them! Please leave a comment below and share your ideas with the community. You can also connect with me on my social media platforms to see more delicious recipes and cooking tips.

Enjoying the Finished Crepes

Matt’s Indulgence

After cooking and demonstrating various crepe ideas, I can’t resist diving into one myself! The aroma and taste of freshly cooked crepes are simply irresistible.

Thanking the Viewers

I want to thank you for joining me in this crepe-making journey. Cooking crepes at home is a fun and delicious experience that can be enjoyed by everyone. I hope you found this tutorial helpful, and I can’t wait to see how you put your own twist on these versatile and tasty treats. Happy cooking!